Monday 25 July 2016

The treatments available for Hepatitis C in India

What is hepatitis C?
The inflammation and damage or scarring of the liver caused to the Hepatitis C virus is what is referred to as the Hepatitis C infection. This condition may be acute i.e. short term or chronic i.e. long term. When the virus multiplies rapidly the antibodies produced are insufficient to handle the infection and it becomes chronic. This long term infection may lead to scarring of the liver or liver damage. Hep C today is the major cause of liver transplants.
Symptoms of Hepatitis C-
Hepatitis C infection is the slow killer of the liver. Its symptoms are not very loud and can be missed for years. Millions of people in India are carriers of Hepatitis and more than 35% do not show any symptoms at all. Patients may experience symptoms like weakness, fatigue, stomach ache or nausea or jaundice. Only when the virus has infected a large part of the liver is when it becomes detectable. As mentioned, chronic infection may cause cirrhosis i.e. liver scarring or permanent liver failure.
Who is at risk of getting infected?
Hepatitis C is an infectious disease and the virus is transmitted through blood and body fluids. The contact risk involves-
Blood transfusion- Blood transfusion should always be tested for Hepatitis C infection
Organ Transplant
Use of infected syringe
Infected tattoo needles
Infection through sexual intercourse
Treatment for Hep C-
The recent studies and advancement in understanding of the nature of the Hepatitis C virus has led to the development of DAAs or direct acting anti-virals. These doses and components act against the protein structure and the RNA of the Hepatitis C virus, thus preventing it from replicating and further damaging the liver. The DAAs are usually prescribed as combinations and different virus sequences have different treatment combinations. For example in India Sofosbuvir with the brand name Sovaldi, and Horani are used to treat chronic Hepatitis C infection.
Treatments and cures available in India-
The battle against the preventing and curing Hepatitis C is a difficult one as it is very hard to detect and harder to treat. While it still is one of the major causes of liver damage, Hepatitis C cures and treatments are now more effective and available in India too. Our Hepatitis C treatment facility helps you understand the disease and deal with it with proper guidance and care from our experts.
Treatment of Hepatitis C in India is done using Gilead brand name drug sofosbuvir – Sovaldi. Along with these second generation Hepatitis C drug ‘Harvoni’ and Daclatavir by Mylan production in India with Medembassy medical experts
The possible therapy combinations offered are –
  1. For Genotyping 1- For Genotyping one the treatment and cure offered is Gilead second generation i.e. Sofosbuvir and Ledipasvir. The treatment duration is 12 weeks.
  2. For Genotyping 2 – For Genotyping II the treatment offered is Sofosbuvir (Gilead) and Daclatasvir (Mylan) in India. The treatment duration is 12 weeks.
  3. For Genotyping 3 – For Genotyping III the treatment offered is Sofosbuvir (Gilead) and Daclatasvir (Mylan) in India. The treatment duration is 24 weeks.
  4. For Genotyping 4 – For Genotyping IV the treatment offered in India is Gilead second generation i.e. Sofosbuvir and Ledipasvir. The treatment duration is 12 weeks.
  5. For Genotyping 6 – For Genotyping 6 the treatment involves a combination of Sofosbuvir and Ledipasvir. The treatment duration is 12 weeks.

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